When a woman commits to LOVE, she transforms herself, her relationships, and all of LIFE.
Embodying Love is a 6-month sacred container dedicated to feminine embodiment practices: Open your heart, feel your power, free your sex, and reconnect to the gift that you are. When we come together as women to feel and embody the truth of our hearts, and are witnessed by our sisters, we heal, we reclaim our gifts, and rediscover our joy and our pleasure.

At your essence, underneath your history, your story, and your pain, is radiant love.
Learning how to live and breathe and move from love takes practice.
It takes being seen and held by other women.
It takes a deep unraveling of your core.
It takes practicing to stretch into your truth.
"I have worked for years on trying to get my life together but was not finding the deep truth, and I was always making up stories about my past. I am thankful from the deepest depths of my heart, for this program has changed my life forever. I have so much gratitude and love for Sarah, in all that this work has helped me discover about myself. Opening my loving heart and living in my essence is something I never knew how to do before. From taking this program, I know how to do it and it has changed my life forever!"
"It is so powerful to be witnessed by Sarah and others in this container. I feel so deeply held by this container and because it is a place where we are safe, I have discovered my essence and am able to be in the world in an authentically embodied way. For years, I have related to the world partially from my core wounds and my unmet needs; in a state of unconsciousness often accompanied by both physical and mental pain. My nervous system is being overhauled, I am becoming different, becoming more of my essential self; I am becoming the embodiment of love. This new me is more available in my key relationships with my husband and son and with my work."
"This program has absolutely transformed my life and joining is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Being in this container with women putting in the work is so motivating and life-changing. This is a container I feel called to stay in because it is so supported and so grounded. I am in the best place mentally, spiritually, and financially that I’ve ever been in and none of this would have ever been possible without Sarah and the container that she developed and created for us. I will forever be grateful."
Themes for Each Month:
Each month we will explore a new archetypal theme. Working with archetypes is a beautiful way to find, remember, and embody a more whole version of ourselves.
Month 1
Priestess Healer
Compassion for Self and Others, Womb, Boundaries
2nd, 5th, and 6th Chakra
A woman’s natural capacity to heal is immense. We will spend this month cultivating your healing energy with your sisters, and practice giving yourself this beautiful energy. We will stretch your capacity for healing and emotional integration.
Many women have overused their healing energy in unconscious ways that do not serve them. We will cultivate a powerful container of boundaries to let your healing energy flow and nourish YOU.
Gifts of the Healing Priestess: Healing, Connection to light
Wounds: Brokenness/Victim
Month 2
Sovereign, Regal
7th Chakra
You are needed in your seat as the center of your universe. No man, no children, no purpose, nothing outside of you will make you whole. We will spend this month releasing everything and everyone you have let into your core, and given away a part of yourself. Once you are empty, you will learn to fill in with your true essence- QUEEN of your domain!
Gifts of the Queen: Creator, Abundance, Generosity
Wounds: Loneliness/isolation, Lack
Month 3
Devotion, Longing
4th Chakra
Committing to live your life as an expression of love, to be deeply connected to what and who you are devoted to, learning to strengthen your nervous system capacity to be able to hold more love. When you can open as love instead of a habitual pattern of closure, your karma and alignment in life starts to radically shift!
Gift of the Lover: Love
Wounds: Fear/Grief
Month 4
Wild Woman
Vibrant, Alive
1st and 3rd Chakra
Being able to tap into and embody your inner most primal self can bring health and balance back to a female body. Connecting to your wild woman and letting her come out is one of the most revitalizing practices you can do. Stepping into wild woman heals a deep wound within our feminine selves that is thousands of years old.
Gifts of the Wild Woman: Powerful, Nourished, Vital, Connected to the Darkness
Wounds: Sadness, Deflated, Depressed, Under Nourished
Month 5
Sacred Slut
Erotic Priestess, Pleasure
2nd Chakra
A woman who can express her love in an embodied way through her sensual, and sexual self is a force to be reckoned with! We will spend this month connecting to your sexual gifts and learning how to live in them as a gift of love. Let your turn-on come out to play!
Gifts of the Sacred Slut: Beauty
Wounds: Rigidity, Control
Month 6
Embodied Integration
Balance, Wholeness, Alignment
We will spend this month landing all the different parts of you into your life. We will create maps, and practices, and pathways for all of who you are to be present in your life.
This container blends deep embodiment work, shadow work, energetic practices and meditations, mindset work, and nervous system regulation to help you live and breathe as love.

• 3 live group calls a month:
1- Teaching call a month for 2-hour focusing on the archetype for the month
1- Practice call a month for 1 hour to practice together

Sarah Penfold
Sacred Wealth: A different kind of talk about money
December 11th 9:30-11:00am PT

WARNING: Your whole life will change. I promise you, if you fully engage and fully show up, your life will look completely different than it does now. It will be more loving, more sexy, more abundant, more connected, more embodied, more turned-on, more healthy, more radiant, more alive.
Exchange for the 6-month container:
$3500 for online only, or 7 payments of $500
$7000 for online and retreat, or 8 payments of $875
$8000 for online, retreat, and 3 private sessions, or 8 payments of $1000
*Retreat does not include airfare, but it does include meals, accommodation's, and transport.
This is six months of deep initiation into the parts of you that you have been longing to claim. We will bring your witchy, goddess, sexy self fully alive! If you are not ready to have your entire life shift into a radical expression of the divine, this is not the circle for you!
Schedule of the live zoom calls by month
January Schedule
January 3rd 12-2pm PT - Teaching Call
January 8th 10:00am-11:00am PT - Practice call
January 24th 11am-12:30pm PT- Rebecca Streb Guest call
February Schedule
February 7th 12-2pm PT - Teaching call
February 21st 11am-12pm PT - Practice Call
February 28th 10am-11:30am PT - Kiana Reeves Guest Call
March Schedule
March 6th 12-2pm PT - Teaching Call
March 11th 10am-11am PT - Practice Call
March 20th 11am-12pm PT - Coaching Call
Costa Rica Retreat April 2nd-7th, 2024


I am devoted to living from my deepest embodied wholeness, and teaching others how to do the same.
I believe that the greatest revelatory act you can do in this time, is to live from your pleasure, your joy, your abundance, and your sexy aliveness!