"In Love and Gratitude"

“Specifically, for me, my healing journey with Sarah began over ten years ago when she helped me release deep emotional and physical trauma after years and years of non-productive talk therapy. More recently, she has helped me heal from a serious concussion. She has walked me through countless conundrums involving business decisions, all the way to relationship concerns. Sarah is an amazing counselor, as well as an Awakened Guide. I can say that Sarah has made a massive, beneficial difference in my life. She continues to hold a candle not only for me, but also for everyone in her community, and beyond. She is a beautiful spirit and is here to help people wake up! Sarah radiates love and LIGHT from every pore. I have deep love and appreciation for Sarah Entrup.” Mandy P.
"I have worked for years on trying to get my life together but was not finding the deep truth, and I was always making up stories about my past. I am thankful from the deepest depths of my heart, for this program has changed my life forever. I have so much gratitude and love for Sarah, in all that this work has helped me discover about myself. Opening my loving heart and living in my essence is something I never knew how to do before. From taking this program, I know how to do it and it has changed my life forever!" In Love and Gratitude."Â Marilyn
"This program has absolutely transformed my life and joining is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Being in this container with women putting in the work is so motivating and life-changing. This is a container I feel called to stay in because it is so supported and so grounded. I am in the best place mentally, spiritually, and financially that I’ve ever been in and none of this would have ever been possible without Sarah and the container that she developed and created for us. I will forever be grateful." Kelly Prettyman
“Sarah is a straight shooter, she doesn’t bullshit you. She’s firm and so loving at the same time. Having her input as a woman, has been extremely helpful in my ability to make more money and shift the dynamic with my wife.” JB
“Sarah has influenced me in ways I can hardly describe. The guided energy clearing, moving meditations, the Kundalini, etc. My soul soars with these inner findings. MAGIC now flows in my daily life. I walk with much more peace, strength, and grace. The work is holistic and has completely helped me to transform my life. I highly recommend Sarah for EVERY SOUL. It’s what we have all been missing on this physical plane we live in … it is healing on every level. I finally listen to ME, FIRST ♥️”Â
Amy Carter
“I discovered the power of boundaries! I serve others, the world and myself ONLY when I stay connected to my energy, boundaries and body. It is a true gift to discover the health within self-commitment, as well as to notice the burden and failure of enmeshment, abandonment, and overcommitment.” Jamie Sharp
"I’m more centered- not as reactive to external triggers. I’m finally able to access & release old, buried grief. I’m more joyful and able to connect with spontaneous laughter. I feel the fatigue of a solid physical workout…. building muscle! My incidence of heart arrhythmia/tachycardia is significantly less. I have greater clarity regarding close relationships! Thank you!" Kathy Salas
"I’m more centered- not as reactive to external triggers. I’m finally able to access & release old, buried grief. I’m more joyful and able to connect with spontaneous laughter. I feel the fatigue of a solid physical workout…. building muscle! My incidence of heart arrhythmia/tachycardia is significantly less. I have greater clarity regarding close relationships! Thank you!" Cecelia Beatriz
“After decades of positive thinking and pushing through, these programs opened the door to allow the raw truth of how hard it is to be here in a human body. It helped me own my grief, while separating myself from my mother’s patterns I’d been repeating. I soften into my femininity where I used to push, strive, and claim. Before working with Sarah, I was, like many women, a fish swimming in the waters of patriarchy.” Alice Lundy
“I have already declared to Sarah, “I think my soul sent out a flare to the Cosmos” in finding her guidance. Like Dante and many other’s have expressed, sometimes we find ourselves searching through a dark wood—lost, uncertain, dried up, stagnant, exhausted and in the pits of despair! At this particular threshold, in my midlife, I am beyond grateful to have found Sarah and her services. I’m definitely still in the process of coming home to myself — rediscovering my drippy, oozy, sparkly essence and gift of my erotic body, however I feel excited and on my way! Sarah has a laser sharp and unique capacity, to hold me accountable (specific to my nervous system, life calling and wounds) while also resourcing me with a range of practices and homework. Through the 1:1 coaching, she is also helping me to unabashedly declare my core needs, desires and authentic “Fuck Yes!” I am not a woman who wants to settle, my soul is not here to fuck around, I want to experience it all! Risky business and taboo! And to boot, she has reminded me that when we live from the truth of our heart, we sparkle and magnetize and there is so much access to LOVE! Of course she had me at: “Women don’t wake up under a Bodhi tree, but rather through our erotic body!” I feel so seen :)” Kestrel Neathawk
“It is so powerful to be witnessed by Sarah and others in this container. I feel so deeply held by this container and because it is a place where we are safe, I have discovered my essence and am able to be in the world in an authentically embodied way. For years, I have related to the world partially from my core wounds and my unmet needs; in a state of unconsciousness often accompanied by both physical and mental pain. My nervous system is being overhauled, I am becoming different, becoming more of my essential self; I am becoming the embodiment of love. This new me is more available in my key relationships with my husband and son and with my work.”
“I needed a kick-ass container to help me launch my dream of being a spiritual retreat leader and a changer of the feminine energies on the planet. In the last 30 days I have scheduled and brought into reality not one but two feminine spirituality retreats! Thank you!” Suzi Loewen
“I did the 30 days to see myself in a clearer light, own it, and serve in the world in my own way. Done! Thank you Sarah for your beautiful love, support, and guidance.” Carmen Moore
“The energy of the container is palpable..the force is STRONG! The LIGHT is indescribably brilliant. Sarah’s 30 Days of Mediation is an experience I cannot afford to miss. The meditation is created in present time, based on the energy of who shows up and whatever healing is needed. If you are on the fence, just say YES!!! It will blow your hair back and EXPAND your entire world view. The experience and your commitment to growth will change YOU and YOU can change your world. Needless to say, I LOVE this work. Sarah’s work has dramatically changed my life. ” Mandy Pahlka
“The 30 Days of Meditation completely transformed my life last year. This year I’m committed to my highest good and creating the life of my dreams; I need the 30 Days to help me do that! Sarah takes you deep into the spiritual realm from day one. By participating in this 30 day program you get to enter a private community of people all meditating with you – the collective group energy facilitates the kind of growth you won’t get on your own. If you’re sick of the same old shit. If you want to step out of life as you’ve known it, and into something brand new for yourself & your family, then the 30 Days of Meditation is for you! Sarah is devoted to changing the planet, and assisting each of us in our transformation. Seriously, if you need help making this commitment then SPEAK UP – email her and ask for help! Her commitment to each of us shines when we show up in our truth!! Be prepared to have your boundaries pushed as you learn to become the best and brightest version of yourself in the 30 Days of Meditation. You’ll thank yourself for doing it!” Sam Satchell
"Sarah is the most potent, inviting, creative, alive, feminine embodiment teacher I have ever worked with. She gives us such permission to go there, to go towards whatever is true, whatever is here while also cultivating such a healthy and safe, yet sovereign space. Blasting us into all of our feminine rage, from our innocent, playful child to the darkest most desire filled erotic filled parts of us. She talks about Eros as heart and genitals connected. It is such a gift to this world. She invites us into all of ourselves. She evokes so much out of me in my practice. I’m so grateful for her as a guide, a teacher and most importantly her transmission. Her transmission is a reflection of someone in her full feminine range and able to hold themselves in it. Thank you Sarah for the way that you create transformational, loving, liberating, juicy, joyful spaces."
Kristen Masi