At this moment we are in an accelerated spiritual time.


We have the next two weeks between the eclipses where there is a portal of consciousness that if we choose, our spiritual growth is accelerated. Our awakening is quickened. 


I am choosing to step into this portal and unravel to the truth of my core. 


And I am inviting you to go with me.


You are invited to my Portal Party!


You are invited to my Portal Party! 

This party will go from April 21st- May 4. 

You have to come to the party to experience what happens at the party! 

We will be practicing, celebrating, and being together in community! 

Come to the party! 

I will show up everyday to practice, be in community with you, answer questions, go deep together, and also play! 


The next two weeks is a spiritual portal. Will you enter the portal with me?


If you cannot make it everyday, no worries. All calls will be recorded. Drop in when you can! 

The party schedule for the next two weeks is:


(all times are Pacific time)

4/21- 11:30-12:30pm 

4/22- 7am-7:30am

4/23- 8am-8:30am

4/24- 10-10:30am

4/25- 9:30-10:30


4/27- 10:30-11

4/28- 11:30-12

4/29- 4-4:30pm

4/30- 3-3:30pm 

5/1- 4-5pm 

5/2- 3-4pm



Click HERE to add all the dates to your calendar

Will you enter the portal with me?

The cost for the 2 weeks is just $33!

Please please please share this with your friends, your family, the people who you want to see wake up! The people who you know would be served to be in community. The people who need a container. The people who are in their process of awakening. The people who dabble, but could go deeper. The people who need a burster of energy. 
Please share on your social media. 
Please share via text. 
Please share via email. 
Please invite people personally. 
The more people we can get to share in awakening with us, the easier it will be for the collective of humanity to shift! 

