Changing the world from the inside out

Join a community of practitioners who are committed to creating a deeper experience of life and love.


Regulate your nervous system. Heal your wounds. Embody your gifts.

Practitioners know that if they do not practice, they will simply replicate the patterns of their karma, lineage, pain, and wounds. Practitioners practice because they are committed to creating a deeper experience of life and love. They practice because they know it is a part of the legacy they will leave on this planet. Did you do everything you could to wake up in this precious life? Did you love as fully as you wanted to? Did you create the inspiration of your heart? This takes practice…

The intention of this practice community is to:

▼ Provide you with easy access to practices to help you stay connected to yourself, grounded to the earth, and embodying love

▼ have regular time to come together as a community to practice, ask questions, and create relationships with like-minded people who are all consciously trying to better the world from the inside out 

What do you practice inside the practice vault?

Energetic awareness practices

  You will have access to guided meditations to develop your awareness and sensitivity to energy. You will practice regulating your nervous system. You will learn to clear and release energy. When you change your energy, your life begins to quickly transform. These practices will help you navigate through feeling overwhelmed and ungrounded, and they’ll help in developing your clairvoyance and energy awareness. *These practices are helpful when you want to feel grounded, clear, present, alive, and connected to your sovereignty. 


Kundalini Yoga and breathe work practices

You will have access to kundalini yoga practice videos. These help you develop your relationship to structure, stability, and ground. They increase your capacity, deepen your conscious awareness, and increase your vitality. 

*These practices are helpful when you want to feel energized, strong, capable, clear, grounded, and expanded.


Feminine Embodiment Practices

 You will have access to feminine embodiment practices to help you drop into the flow of your body and the truth of your heart. You will practice aligning your breath, movement, touch, and sound. There are archetype practices, solo sexual practices, and deep movement practices to learn to rest, surrender, and soften into the gift of you. Feminine embodiment is all about connecting to the feeling sense of the body. It is about being with your full range of emotion. It is about coming back to your pleasure, and surrendering to the love that you are. 

*These practices are helpful when you want to soften, surrender, reconnect with your heart, return to your pleasure, feel your feelings, feel your desire, feel open and alive and available for life.

Inside the practice group you will receive:

➡ A practice vault of 30+ hours of audio and video recordings of various lengths, from 12 minutes to 1.5 hours long.

The different kinds of practices are:

    • Energetic meditation practices
    • Kundalini yoga and breath work practices
    • Feminine embodiment and movement practices

   1 live community call a month: this 1.5 hour call will be a combination of practice and discussion with Q&A time as well. If you cannot make the live call, all calls will be recorded and added to the vault. 

  Social platform to connect with other practitioners and create networks of support with each other- ie. readings and healings

  Replays of special classes will only be available in the vault

The Practice Community (annual)


Top features

Annual Members also receive extra sessions and classes with Sarah throughout the year - at no extra cost!


The Practice Community (3-month)


Every 3 Months


My vision is to create a community of 1 million practitioners who are committed to changing the world from the inside out. The planet needs this. Our hearts need this. Our children’s children’s children need this. We are the ones to change course for future generations.

Are you willing to dive in?